Help! A Tree Fell On My House!

Last week, after two days of heavy rains, a large tree fell on the home of a long-time customer! Back in the 1990’s, we built a 5,000 square foot addition on to this historic home in Marion and have been taking care of it for almost 30 years. As soon as we got the call, we rushed out to make sure that the rain that was coming did not start pouring in through the holes in the roof. No windows were broken, but one limb punched all the way through the ceiling and into the inside of the great room!

We managed to remove the tree limbs and cover all the holes with tarps in a couple of hours. We had to finish the last 30 minutes of tarping in the rain, but no water got inside the house.

On the next day, we cut up the tree and entirely removed it. We are now repairing the roof and making sure they stay dry. That was an abrupt interruption to our plans for the week!